Here at cannanes.com you will find all sorts off stuff on, by, or about the band ~ The 'News' page is a portal to a myriad of history, music, photos etc. in what we hope is a more user friendly virtual environment than those annoying social networking sites - please signup for our Newsletters if you want email notice of shows etc. + check back from time to time as we are constantly adding to our history section; as well as MP3s, Photos, Galleries, Videos etc..
Well with a long overdue show and UK tour cancelled all we can say is looking forward to 2021 as we probably won't be playing before then... but you never know!
We sincerely hope our rock 'n' roll family are doing ok and plan to use our confinement as productively as possible, we have a couple of recent releases - will try and get the details up here soon if our 2003 computer can handle the workload!
Well after a shocking 2018 we were looking forward to a more productive/enjoyable 2019 ~ We were not able to get shows happening as some of us are in the midst of a very difficult long distance move; which took up most of the year!
In the meantime we packed up our studio +website editing gear(on of 22nd March 2019), hopefully we can get it all working the other end and find time to add in more history; wish us luck!
So - following a trio of massively enjoyable shows in mid 2017 some of us went through very tough patches in our lives leading to possibly the bands worst year, we did however endeavour to sort some technical issues and finish A new album which we hope to release one fine day - also note we will be VERY busy in coming months so these pages may continue to look a little neglected for a while yet..... but we hope to be able to announce a show or two maybe by mid 2019...
Saturday 16th September was the 1st anniversary of the re-release of A Love Affair With Nature 12" picture disc ~ and to mark the occasion we uploaded to YouTube a collection of songs filmed live in our living room in Redfern [Sydney/AU] by our dear friend Patricia Stirling, on VHS video tape, back in 1989! They are now up on The Cannanes YouTube Channel ~ the footage we refer to as LIVE AT 65 happy viewing! Oh and thanks heaps to Geoffrey O'Connor for prepping the 'clips' and tidying up the audio for us
Probably our last live date for quite a while: ~ Thursday the 13th of July at Bella Union in Carlton [Melbourne] with UK stayers The Wedding Present and Melbs lovely Last Leaves - and not the first time we've been together with WP see issue 3 of Science Geek Zine from 1996 [Interviews with the cannanes and the Wedding present] [ and the German LP Release from 1989 Diamonds And Porcupines: International Guitar Underground ] - Big thanks to Lost & Lonesome for asking us on the bill - in the meantime we are striving to complete at least one new album (and some other projects) for release in the not too distant - oh yeah and here's a laugh! we made it on to the Double J Top 50 90s Australian Alternative bands list - check it out and listen link here
JANUARY After a largely frustrating 2016 we hope to manage a bit more activity in 2017 ~ kicking off in January with a fairly major update of the website ~ we know we've been neglecting it a bit since 'Social Media" reared it's ugly head (tough we still have our Facebook etc... - see links above)... Plans for a new album release and tour when we can sort the logistics! If you're interested in finding out about upcoming shows in your corner of the world feel free to sign up for our newsletter; details here!
I have learnt a new html skill for 2017 - Embedding! here is the embedded YouTube Clip for our song 'Sound of the City'
FEBRUARY We finally have access to the NBN so hopefully in coming weeks/months you will notice this website become more up to date and vastly improved! - and to celebrate here are some lovely shots taken by our dear friend Tom Garrish when we played with the wonderful Deep Country & Ocean Party, not so long ago!
MARCH Well as you may have noticed, work is progressing on the website with much artwork and many photos added to various parts of the site - take a surf and see + parts of the history have been added and updated - see History Portal for links to new sections + many video clips etc.. added. Other than that some of us were lucky enough to attend Golden Plains where we caught the awesome Ausmuteants, and we've been getting ready for the 1st of April Fest.
APRIL 1st April we got to play our first show in Ballarat - was a blast-some sort of account here maybe soon- a full day festival no less - We were absolutely stoked to play the inaugural Wrapped Up Festival at The Eastern Station Hotel on Saturday 1st April in Ballarat [VIC/Australia] with stacks of excellent bands including several of our favourite bands in the world! - here is a link to the Facebook Event Page - many thanks to James Donovan for asking us to play & to Carolyn Hawkins of School Damage who designed the poster.
The rest of April saw work resume on one of the three unfinished albums we keep promising... one at least is getting close!
MAY It was heads down (again!) to finish the album. And thanks also to Jason Kain for the heads up on this recent publication (in which we recieve several favourable mentions!) Thanks also to Greil for sticking with us over the centuries!
JUNE Friday 9th June we got to play a sold out show at the wonderful old Theatre Royal in Castlemaine (Victoria/AU) with the most excellent Total Control and very fine Terry 8 Girls ~ Thanks heaps to the warm and generous crowd, bands and Venue ~ Excellent one off Tshirts sold out on the night ~ will try and get a picture up here soonish thought
JUNE Friday 9th June nice shot of us mid gig by Col Hurley ~ fuller account of show to follow...
JULY-AUGUST see top of page
Big thanks to the huge crowd that made it down to The Tote on November 16th for the Love Affair re-issue launch - we managed to get through the set with much help from Mark Mononne on Bass, Elizabeth Taylor on Violin, Guy Blackman on Casio and Randall Lee on Guit + Vocals and Bass ~ Thanks to Richard Stanley (at The Tote) for hosting us & Angus Bell for a great mix on the new desk! - oh and Ian Wadley for doing lights. School Damage and Calamari Girls were awesome! - check em out people. Think we need to upgrade our computer or software as writing this paragraph has taken half an hour! - might have to leave it there for 2016 - John Smith took some lovely photos of the night - will try and get some up here when technical issues are sorted, not before New Years given the way December is shaping up.

On November 27th 2016 we played A Love Affair in full for the first and perhaps the only time ~ Thanks to the most excellent School Damage for helping us celebrate and new friends Calamari Girls kicking it off ~ VERY SPECIAL GUESTS as well... ~ will try and get a full account of the day up here some time - In the meantime David and Fran had been doing a bunch of interviews with radio and press - check TheCannanesFaceBook page for links
Fab new Clip for 'Sound of the City' filmed on 5th May 1989! - Clip skillfully edited by Geoffrey O'Connor the week of 16th September 2016 debuted on The Brooklyn Vegan website on 16th September 2016 (with a few words about the Clip by Bill Pearis & David Nichols) link to article and clip here - the clip also got a couple of screenings on ABCs Rage on 30th Sept + 2nd October - thanks Rage!
2016 Deluxe Redux 'ReMasters' of our 2nd LP release 1989s' A Love Affair With Nature. 12" comes with downloads of the album + 13 additional tracks (also remastered) + Deluxe 13 Page PDF Booklet; Digitals now available on iTunes etc... (International Release September 16th 2016)- In stores now - or you can order online at chaptermusic.com/store/thecannanes/a-love-affair-with-nature/ or For FLAC or WAV versions at chaptermusic.bandcamp.com also available in the UK through Norman Records
September '16 ~ Hey sorry we haven't been keeping the website up to date - we've recently had a bunch of tech problems with our Web Host [all part of the price you pay for trying to maintain an 'old school' website I guess - Web Janitor Hair]- hopefully now resolved? so will be updating pages in coming weeks; + Still catching our breaths after a hectic 2015/16 (see below)
Anyways, we did recently manage to play a couple of U.S. shows, both featuring the Communicating lineup of Andy, Stew, Fran & Hairs; Dates were; Thursday May 26th in Flagstaff Arizona + Friday 3rd of June ~ San Francisco Pop Fest - Hopefully we will manage something in Australia before 2016 is done - A 'Love Affair Live' show or two are planned - but a logistic nightmare! - so you know - if you don't want to miss out on upcoming dates; sign up for our newsletter!
While in 'The States' we managed to finish a substantial recording project we began in Flagstaff a little while back - will be tweaking the website in weeks/months to come so check back for more News ~ much in the pipeline! see below & above
On Sunday January 17th 2:30 am ABC TV show Rage broadcast a short documentary Class of '84 Special - Working In The Rock'n'Roll Business which included interviews etc. with The Particles as they rehearsed at home in Chippendale/Sydney - head on over to thecannanes YouTube channel for a link to the full doco
December - we promise! we were busy putting the finishing touches [touches now finished! ed.] to a very special re-issue of perhaps our best loved album - more details soon. On Wednesday the 18th of November an interview Fran and Stephen did with Krista Krull for Green Tea Berlin radio show was broadcast and podcast on German 'Radio ' Stations: Alex Radio. and 88vir you can listen to the interview now streaming on SoundCloud at - https://soundcloud.com/greentea-berlin/the-cannanes
October - we all made it back to "God's own" now after a very busy August/September with a most enjoyable U.S. Tour (as a 6 piece!) - see poster below for details; after which 3 of us headed to Europe where we managed a stripped back show in Berlin with top notch assistance from Oliver Budack on drums ~ many thanks to all involved with the shows, we'll get a proper tour diary up here one day, in the mean time head over to our FaceBook where there are some nice shots and a new filmclip! a postcard of sorts; very nicely put together for us by Megan Spencer and Jim Coad.
Our July 'mini-tour' with UV Race + Coburg BandNight are sadly over - all shows were a blast - and boy can't Castlemaine turn it on! Special thanks to Melbourne Legend Al Montford for making it happen + The rest of UV and The Stevens (+ for all their help), and Moon Ritual & The Shifters for joining us on the journey + The Engineers, and Richard at The Tote and last but not least, undoubtedly Central Victorias finest Venue! The Bridge - oh yeah and the huge crowds that turned out for the shows
Late May - flood of news but no time to add full accounts here now - first show with new bassist Nick Ketley on 16th May went swimmingly... we have some lovely photos of it to put up here some day soon + thanks to Miranda Picton-Warlow for putting this show together as well as a very attractive 'showbag' that raised close to $400 for earthquake victims in Nepal, Deep Country made a welcome return to the stage and the wonderful Ocean Party went down a treat as always
As a warmup to Overseas shows coming up in August/September, we have more Victorian shows in June ~ a return to the legendary Melbourne venue - The Tote + our first ever show in Castlemaine!
8th May English Website Music Review Database featured our song Fawn Summers [as well as some subliminal content in the clip] in a Promotional Videoclip for their new and nifty online Web-Zine 'Discovery' - you can view the promo on YouTube here +check out the MRD +follow the link to discovery [inside which The Cannanes also feature]
April - Excited to be playing Melbourne on 16th of May + U.S. tour is now confirmed for August (see our gigs page for dates & details) ~ then our first ever show in Berlin! on 23rd of September
March - we have a new release - the song Grotto Capri - on the compilation Nail House Party ~ LP/CD/Digital out now on Emotional Response records of Flagstaff Arizona - listen + details here
Early March we had some terrible news in that we lost our dear friend Astrid Spielman; Artist/Musician/Inspiration. Looking back now it seems Astrid was an integral part of the Cannanes coming together when she welcomed Stephen into her band The Particles back in 1982; as a result connections were made between Michelle Cannane, Annabel Bleach, David Nichols and Frances Gibson which soon led to the birth of 'The Cannanes Meet The Newtown Sounds'. Astrid was a strong supporter of great causes over the years; and as was obvious at the 'Celebration of Life' held in Sydney recently, her zesty outlook on life will live on in many of us for the rest of ours. A small sample of Astrids artwork can be found at astridspielman.com
Much of February was spent cataloguing and trawling the archives for a surprise mid-2015 re-release; and preparing for some live outings
January saw the Digital release of our 'Communicating at an unknown rate: Original Masters' available now with a very nicely laid out PDF Booklet! - Praise be to our good friend Megan Spencer for unsparing us to track down the original masters in late 2014 and Andy Coffey for his classy work on the new artwork and groovy booklet and naturally Greg Wadley for his original mastering back in the year 2000 ~ Check out the Feature Article on Double Js' Website - also the album was played in full on Sunday 25th Jan on Double J Digital... and sounded great!
Communicating at an unknown rate ~ Original Masters!
2015 ~ 1st Time release of the 'original masters' now available online:
in 320kbs MP3 download (with pdf Booklet) from The Chapter Music Store
in WAV or FLAC at: Chapter Musics Bandcamp
is also now available now on iTunes, Spotify and the like...
If for some reason you missed out on the pdf booklet ~ we provide you with a copy here:
Mid November we arrived back in 'God's own' after a lengthy sojourn to the United States where we teamed up with our dear friends Jen Turrell, Stewart Anderson & Andrew Coffey to record a bunch of tracks in Flagstaff, Arizona. On hearing the sad news of the passing back home of the inspirational Australian politician Gough Whitlam, Fran dashed off a celebratory tribute (that very morning!) to that magnificent giant of progressive thought. We decided the song should be an eternal freebie and released it on various platforms on 5th November the day of Goughs Memorial Service in Sydney. You can listen to or download(free) on Soundcloud here. The song was also featured song of the week ended 16th Nov. on top notch Sydney based community radio station 2ser 107.3FM, oh and the title is 'Tempus Fugit' [trans. Time Flies]
September 23rd - at last! thecannanes YouTube channel is unveiled, you can now check out the clips for 'Bumper', & 'You Name It' as well as many other clips streaming in high quality + plenty of links to Official / Live / & Other stuff that just may be of interest?

Check out this swinging 7" w/complimentary 10 track download - a Tri-continental collaboration featuring our mates (and occasional Cannanes) David Nichols - Stewart Anderson - & Crayola
You can have a listen or purchase over at
Sad news late August to hear of the passing on 8th August of Robert 'Bo' Boehm who along with Perri Kenrick recorded our 3rd album Caveat Emptor (and Broken Bottles EP) at Phantom Tollbooth Studio [Melbourne] many years ago, Bo also compiled the Love Affair CD for us and was a much loved and inspirational figure on the Australian music scene

Midyear work continued on the clip for the song Bumper - which later debut on the Cannanes YouTube Channel - you can watch the clip now here
After jetting off to Samoa for a couple of weeks in June to clear our heads and decide on an order for the new album, work continued in the studio through July and in to August. We managed a brief live set on the 10th May; a very fun (secret) show in Melbourne to celebrate 50 years of Jam E Donutts. Most of our recent releases are now available at Polyester in Melbourne; Repressed in Newtown & good old Red Eye in Sydney... see our orders page for full list of links to stockists. Nice mention in The Guardian on 4th of February; also reviews continue to flow in in response to the flurry of releases we had in the latter half of 2013 - particularly nice one for our Hit The Wall Maxi-Single from 'This Wreckage Blog' here. We have been a bit snowed under by life the last few months, but will endeavour to get more recent goings on up on the site soon
In case you missed it... we had a bunch of clips made recently to accompany our bunch of recent releases - our good mate Andy Hall suggested we put some links up here.... so you can - check them out on YouTube
'Not Camping Out' [ from the Howling at all Hours album ] clip by Greg Appel, on YouTube here
'A Bigger Splash' [ from the Howling at all Hours album ] clip by David Nichols, on YouTube here
'Crawler (Richie Phoe Remix)' [ from the Small Batch EP ] clip by Charlie Kinyon, on YouTube here
'Tiny Compartment' [ from the Small Batch EP ] clip by David Nichols, on YouTube here